Good quality is the key of a successful and consistent business, so we take the quality control and quality check seriously and strictly. We are playing the role of the safeguard of client’s business.
Quality inspection is very important step before cargo leaves China. Strict Quality control helps clients get good reviews and build sales. As a professional sourcing agent, we have our own outstanding quality check methods to serve for our clients.
If clients use our sourcing services at the first beginning, this kind of inspection form was included already. We would do the quality inspection after cargo arrives at our warehouse. Inspecting proportion is 15% – 20%.
One by one inspection is also available, but we will charge extra payment for rest 80% – 85%. We can carry it out in our warehouse or factory’s warehouse. If we do this in factory, client is supposed to pay the travel fee.
We accept the product quality inspection in any location with any inspecting proportion. Clients need to check the fee with our sourcing agent separately.
We already worked with many clients, some of them use our Standard Inspection Service, some of them use the third-party inspection company to do the inspection, but there are some clients who don’t even carry out inspection and have us ship products out directly. To be honest, we would suggest clients to use our sourcing services and have us take care of the inspection. Why this? We conclude this based on our experience and what we have seen before. The third-party inspection has much weakness:
Working with third party inspection company costs too much time, because clients have to book the inspection at least 1-2 weeks in advance. If clients are in a hurry, definitely they have to wait and their business maybe affected badly due to shipment delayed.
Clients have to admit that using a third-party inspection company is really expensive. Because sometimes inspecting a very small proportion like 15% will cost more than 200USD. If first inspection is failed, clients have to pay another payment to inspect again.
There is a big chance that the inspection company is not professional at all and they charge you but they don't even find the quality issues and we have heard many stories like this from our clients. After cargo arrives at Amazon warehouse and start selling. Many bad reviews come. This is a disaster for business.
The Third-Party inspection company just finds the problem and make a sheet reporting all what they find to client, but they are not responsible to solve the problem. This is a very headache thing that people find all the problems, but they just leave all these problems to you to fix.
Many inspectors will ask bribes from factory, if suppliers don't provide. They will make the inspection sheet looks not friendly to factory. After inspectors get the bribes from factory and they are not just client's guy and they become supplier's guy, too. Then the inspection can't reflect what the real product's status is.
Our clients like to have a video call with us when we are doing the inspection. Because they want to see the real product through their eyes, not just report sheet or pictures that inspectors take. We can assure that most of inspecting companies don't support this kind of inspection method, but we do support it.
Inspection can start from ordering the raw material to pack products into master cartons. Our staff can stay factory for several days even several weeks and months if it’s necessary. We can help test the material, confirm the production schedule and supervise the production. Also, check the product randomly to ensure that product is well made. Clients can point out the most important steps that we need to focus on to eliminate the risk of defects.
This kind of quality check is most common. It happens when cargo is packed well into master cartons or when cargo is 80% finished at least. Usually, it’s a random inspection before cargo is going to leave China. It’s the same thing with our Standard Inspection. Inspection proportion is around 15% – 20%. For this inspection, we need at least one sample in our handle to perform the inspection well or provide the purchasing contract with detailed product’s specifications that we can refer with.
This type of quality control is supervising the loading process and ensures that container is taken advantage of well and no big spacer existing, container is in good condition and all master cartons are loaded into container gently. Also, ensure that supplier is honest and send cargo per what clients have required. In addition, this inspection is applied to full container shipment and upload all cartons in factory.